Furniture reuse feature image
Reducing what we send to landfill is really important to us. That’s why we’re working with Milton Keynes Reuse to support furniture clearances in our empty homes.

In the past, furniture left by previous customers was sent to landfill. Now, Milton Keynes Reuse takes any of the furniture left in the home that is suitable for reuse and sells it at an affordable price. This means we’re not only helping members of our community access affordable furniture, but also reducing the amount of waste from our empty homes.

Our overall aim is to ensure that we are making a positive impact through our sustainability performance, by promoting a sustainable culture with our colleagues and customers as well as taking our environmental responsibilities seriously as a landlord and a commercial business.

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Grand Union Housing Group Limited Registered office: K2, Timbold Drive, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6BZ Grand Union Housing Group Limited is a Charitable Community Benefit Society registered in England & Wales No. 7853, regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing No. 5060, and is a member of the National Housing Federation.